Asaah Fonyam and Angwi Foundation


Did you know that there is a two years Masters Programme tailored to train young agroforesters at the Faculty of Agronomy and Agricultural Sciences (FASA) of University of Dschang, Cameroon. The fourth batch of Agroforesters currently in the first year of their two year programme made a stop over at AFAF’s Bongob Farms Up station Bamenda, during their recent study tour to the North West Region led by the programme co-ordinator Dr. Marie-Louise Avana Tientcheu. The objective of the visit was to familiarize themselves with the All-Season Advanced Agricultural Habitat (A.S.A.A.H). This concept combines and optimizes agricultural technologies – indoor greenhouse farming and outdoor cultivation of diverse food and tree crops in the right farm habitat and effective farm management to produce continuous and sustained high yields of diverse quality agricultural products all year round.At the end of a close to two hours study tour at Bongob Farms, Dr. Avana Tientcheu had this to say

This is a very good investment, it is highly instructive for students and is a role model’.

The students on their part thanked AFAF for the inspiration to come up with such a demonstration and production farm that is a Game Changer in the agricultural landscape in Cameroon. The students appealed for consideration in offering a few internship positions to them next year to gain hands-on experience at Bongbo Farms.


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