Asaah Fonyam and Angwi Foundation


Promotes self-sustained development while conserving environmental integrity

Mission: AFAF mission are three folds:

  • Promote value maximization of food and tree crops production systems,
  • Facilitate the implementation of innovative productivity-enhancing methods on existing farmlands while reducing environmental impact,
  • Equip and strengthen capacity of youths and women with life skills using state-of-the art learning methods as well as increasing internet accessibility to schools in rural areas.


  1. Continuous provision of up-to-date research results in form of advisory services to promote sustainable agriculture and forestry options,
  2. Make available knowledge on enhanced farming techniques: promote indoor (greenhouse) and outdoor farming technologies to achieve an all-season high yield agricultural production in peri- urban and rural communities to guarantee food security while offering jobs and energizing local economies,
  3. Promote and perpetuate, agroforestry, climate smart agriculture, rehabilitation of degraded landscapes to benefit the poor and the environment,
  4. Promote socio-economic income generating activities while developing the capacity of women, youths, students, adults, agricultural entrepreneurs etc. either through formal training for reinsertion into life main stream or by directly assisting them morally, technically and financially to be at least 70% self-sustaining.